From Pastor Joel: Please feel free to call or text me at 336-382-5617.  My email is I would love to visit with you, either over the phone or in person! I will be in my church office Mondays – Wednesdays from 9:30am – 12:30pm. 

Special Congratulations:  We would like to congratulate Madison, Cam and big sister, Ellie Mae, on the arrival of Cooper Cameron Fields.  Cooper was born yesterday, 1/11/25, at 1:58am.  He weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and was 19.5 inches long.

Youth Group:  Sundays from 5:00-6:30pm.  If you would like to prepare a meal for the youth group or donate money for a meal, sign-ups are in the foyer. 

Lamplighters’ Afterschool Program:  Wednesdays from 3:00-5:30.

Wonderful Wednesday Fellowship Supper:  5:30-6:15. Dine-in and takeout available.  Menu includes cheesy hamburger casserole, green beans & corn.

Have a song to Share:  We are seeking special music for the first Sunday of each month.  Please see Nancy Diggs or Kaye Edwards if you could provide this for the 1st Sunday in February!

Handbell Practice:  resumes in February.

Hands of a Sportsman Hunt:  Rick is looking for volunteers to help with the hunt on February 8th.  If you are available, please let him know.  

Souper Bowl Sunday, February 9th:  Bring a pot of your favorite recipe & dessert to share (cornbread crackers, and tea provided).  Also, we will be collecting supplies to stock our Wonderful Wednesday Meal pantry: spaghetti sauce, sloppy joe mix, pasta, green beans, snacks etc.  Wear your favorite team jersey and join us!

Meal Train for the Fields Family:  See the PUMC Facebook page for a meal train sign-up to take dinner to Cam, Madison, and big sister, Ellie Mae.  Please drop off meals at the door to keep baby Cooper well during RSV/Flu season.  If you need the address or would prefer to give a gift card instead, please see Emily Snodgrass.

Frances Davis Cards:  If you would like to send her a card, her address is:  Autumn Care, Room 603, Marshville, NC. 28103

Nursery Volunteers:  Sign-ups for nursery volunteers are in the foyer.

Nursery Update:  We are asking that parents pick up children in the nursery directly after church so we can ensure that each child is with their parent/caregiver.   The exception will be on communion Sundays when the nursery volunteers will escort children back to the sanctuary for communion.

Good News:  We kept the old folding chairs. Please feel free to use them when you need to borrow chairs.  They are located in the large storage room in the fellowship building.

Church Text Chain:  If you are not currently receiving church text and would like to be added, please sign up on the sheet in the narthex.

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