A Brief History
Peachland Methodist Church was organized as a part of the Polkton Charge under the leadership of Reverend L. T. Cordell in 1907. The congregation met in old Peachland Baptist Church until 1908 when a wooden structure was begun at the existing church site. Land for the church building and cemetery was given by Mr. George Boyette. The cemetery was later deeded to the Peachland Cemetery Association. Mr. Vernon Allen was the first Sunday School Superintendent. This church structure was later relocated in order to be in line with the new brick Baptist Church. Additional land for the relocation was given by A.T. Niven family.
Among the charter members helping during this period of construction were; Mr. Vernon Allen, Mr. and Mrs. George Boyette, Mrs. Belle Liles, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Niven, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus F.E. Tucker, Mrs M. L. (Emma K.) Horne, and Mr. Carl Harrington. Help also came from other churches, including lumber donated by Mr. M.L. Horne and members of Gilboa Methodist Church.
A group called the Ladies Aid Society was formed in the early days of the church. Today this group is known as the United Methodist Women. Its purpose which was to support the local church only expanded in 1933 to include both local and foreign missions.
Peachland Charge was formed and a parsonage was purchased in 1923.
Continuing in 1941, the present brick structure began. Sunday school and preaching services were held in the Peachland School auditorium during this time. The building committee consisted of Chairman Ernest W. Caudle, Carl Harrington, Mrs. Emma K. Horne and F.E. Tucker. With donations and some free labor, the church was built at a cost of less than $5,000.00.
A new parsonage was purchased by the Charge in 1947. The parsonage was located at the junction of the Lower and Upper White Store Roads, across the street from the Primitive Baptist Church. The parsonage was sold in October, 1983.
In 1959, a building fund campaign was begun to build an Educational Building. The Educational Building was begun in 1959 under the pastorate of Rev. John Oakley. It was completed and dedicated September 2, 1962, during the pastorate of Rev. Warren Hawks.
A new parsonage was built by the church in 1984. It was completely furnished parsonage, dedicated on August 26, 1984. The building committee consisted of Chairman Joe Harrington, Dan Hedgepeth, Barbara Kiker, Malvin Porter, Sarah Smith and Ray Williams.
In 1988, a ground-breaking service was held August 7, 1988, for new additional Sunday school classrooms. The building committee consisted of Chairman Joe Harrington, Virginia Caudle, Ranette Davis, Lee Hamilton, Dan Hedgepeth, Harold Kiker, John Sikes, Sarah Smith and Ray Williams.